Flow price: --


Hash: 7508150f783131092e261a3fa9b89e4d8a2e83d8fbbb348d9c94043b9409303f

Whoops! 😨 Something unexpected happened...

[Error Code: 1101] error caused by: 1 error occurred:
	* transaction preprocess failed: [Error Code: 1101] cadence runtime error: Execution failed:
error: error getting program ff68241f0f4fd521.DrSeuss: failed to derive value: load program failed: Parsing failed:
error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
 --> :8:0
8 | pub contract DrSeuss:
  | ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :14:2
14 |   pub let appId: String
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :15:2
15 |   pub let title: String
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :16:2
16 |   pub let description: String
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :17:2
17 |   pub let ProducerStoragePath: StoragePath
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :18:2
18 |   pub let ProducerPath: PrivatePath
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :19:2
19 |   pub let ContentPath: PublicPath
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :20:2
20 |   pub let contentCapability: Capability
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :21:2
21 |   pub let CollectionStoragePath: StoragePath
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :22:2
22 |   pub let PublicCollectionPath: PublicPath
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :24:2
24 |   pub event ContractInitialized()
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :25:2
25 |   pub event Withdraw(id: UInt64, from: Address?)
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :26:2
26 |   pub event Deposit(id: UInt64, to: Address?)
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :27:2
27 |   pub event MinterCreated(minterId: String)
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :28:2
28 |   pub event TibleMinted(minterId: String, mintNumber: UInt32, id: UInt64)
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :29:2
29 |   pub event TibleDestroyed(id: UInt64)
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :30:2
30 |   pub event PackMinterCreated(minterId: String)
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :31:2
31 |   pub event PackMinted(id: UInt64, printedPackId: String)
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :33:2
33 |   pub var totalSupply: UInt64
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :35:2
35 |   pub resource NFT: NonFungibleToken.INFT, TiblesNFT.INFT, MetadataViews.Resolver {
   |   ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :36:4
36 |     pub let id: UInt64
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :37:4
37 |     pub let mintNumber: UInt32
   |     ^^^

error: custom destructor definitions are no longer permitted
  --> :49:4
49 |     destroy() {
   |     ^ remove the destructor definition

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :53:4
53 |     pub fun metadata(): {String: AnyStruct}? {
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :58:4
58 |     pub fun displayData(): {String: String} {
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :112:4
112 |     pub fun display(): MetadataViews.Display {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :122:4
122 |     pub fun editions(): MetadataViews.Editions {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :142:4
142 |     pub fun serial(): MetadataViews.Serial {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :146:4
146 |     pub fun royalties(): MetadataViews.Royalties {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :151:4
151 |     pub fun externalURL(): MetadataViews.ExternalURL {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :155:4
155 |     pub fun nftCollectionData(): MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData {
    |     ^^^

error: restricted types have been removed; replace with the concrete type or an equivalent intersection type
   --> :160:51
160 |         publicCollection: Type<&DrSeuss.Collection{TiblesNFT.CollectionPublic}>(),
    |                                                    ^^^^^^^^^

--> ff68241f0f4fd521.DrSeuss

error: cannot find type in this scope: `DrSeuss`
 --> 7508150f783131092e261a3fa9b89e4d8a2e83d8fbbb348d9c94043b9409303f:5:19
5 |   let collection: &DrSeuss.Collection
  |                    ^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot find type in this scope: `AuthAccount`
 --> 7508150f783131092e261a3fa9b89e4d8a2e83d8fbbb348d9c94043b9409303f:7:16
7 |   prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {
  |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot find variable in this scope: `DrSeuss`
 --> 7508150f783131092e261a3fa9b89e4d8a2e83d8fbbb348d9c94043b9409303f:8:61
8 |     self.collection = acct.borrow<&DrSeuss.Collection>(from: DrSeuss.CollectionStoragePath)
  |                                                              ^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

Block height:
Block id:
Monday 19 August 2024 at 18:03:53 UTC
Gas used: