Flow price: --


Hash: b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892

Whoops! 😨 Something unexpected happened...

[Error Code: 1101] error caused by: 1 error occurred:
	* transaction preprocess failed: [Error Code: 1101] cadence runtime error: Execution failed:
error: error getting program 23f4b83c39a03089.Basketballs: failed to derive value: load program failed: Parsing failed:
error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
 --> :6:0
6 | pub contract Basketballs: NonFungibleToken {
  | ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
 --> :9:4
9 |     pub event ContractInitialized()
  |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :10:4
10 |     pub event EditionCreated(editionID: UInt32, name: String, description: String, imageURL: String)
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :11:4
11 |     pub event BasketballMinted(id: UInt64, editionID: UInt32, serialNumber: UInt64)
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :12:4
12 |     pub event Withdraw(id: UInt64, from: Address?)
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :13:4
13 |     pub event Deposit(id: UInt64, to: Address?)
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :17:4
17 |     pub let CollectionStoragePath: StoragePath
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :18:4
18 |     pub let CollectionPublicPath: PublicPath
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :19:4
19 |     pub let CollectionPrivatePath: PrivatePath
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :20:4
20 |     pub let AdminStoragePath: StoragePath
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :22:4
22 |     pub var totalSupply: UInt64
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :23:4
23 |     pub var nextEditionID: UInt32
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :26:4
26 |     pub struct EditionMetadata {
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :27:8
27 |         pub let editionID: UInt32
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :28:8
28 |         pub let name: String
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :29:8
29 |         pub let description: String
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :30:8
30 |         pub let imageURL: String
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :31:8
31 |         pub let circulatingCount: UInt64
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :42:4
42 |     pub struct Edition {
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :43:7
43 |        pub let editionID: UInt32
   |        ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :44:7
44 |        pub let name: String
   |        ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :45:7
45 |        pub let description: String
   |        ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :46:7
46 |        pub let imageURL: String
   |        ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :61:8
61 |         pub fun mintBasketball(): @NFT {
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :71:8
71 |         pub fun mintBasketballs(quantity: UInt64): @Collection {
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :87:4
87 |     pub resource NFT: NonFungibleToken.INFT {
   |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :88:8
88 |         pub let id: UInt64
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :89:8
89 |         pub let editionID: UInt32
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
  --> :90:8
90 |         pub let serialNumber: UInt64
   |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :105:4
105 |     pub resource interface BasketballsCollectionPublic {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :106:8
106 |         pub fun borrowBasketball(id: UInt64): &Basketballs.NFT? {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :119:4
119 |     pub resource Collection: BasketballsCollectionPublic, NonFungibleToken.Provider, NonFungibleToken.Receiver, NonFungibleToken.CollectionPublic {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :123:8
123 |         pub var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :128:8
128 |         pub fun withdraw(withdrawID: UInt64): @NonFungibleToken.NFT {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :140:8
140 |         pub fun deposit(token: @NonFungibleToken.NFT) {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :156:8
156 |         pub fun getIDs(): [UInt64] {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :164:8
164 |         pub fun borrowNFT(id: UInt64): &NonFungibleToken.NFT {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :173:8
173 |         pub fun borrowBasketball(id: UInt64): &Basketballs.NFT? {
    |         ^^^

error: expected authorization (entitlement list)
   --> :175:55
175 |                 let ref = (&self.ownedNFTs[id] as auth &NonFungibleToken.NFT?)!
    |                                                        ^

error: custom destructor definitions are no longer permitted
   --> :183:8
183 |         destroy() {
    |         ^ remove the destructor definition

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :194:4
194 |     pub resource Admin {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :196:8
196 |         pub fun createEdition(name: String, description: String, imageURL: String): UInt32 {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :204:8
204 |         pub fun mintBasketball(editionID: UInt32): @NFT {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :216:8
216 |         pub fun mintBasketballs(editionID: UInt32, quantity: UInt64): @Collection {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :228:8
228 |         pub fun createNewAdmin(): @Admin {
    |         ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :233:4
233 |     pub fun createEmptyCollection(): @NonFungibleToken.Collection {
    |     ^^^

error: `pub` is no longer a valid access keyword
   --> :243:4
243 |     pub fun fetch(_ from: Address, itemID: UInt64): &Basketballs.NFT? {
    |     ^^^

error: restricted types have been removed; replace with the concrete type or an equivalent intersection type
   --> :246:44
246 |             .borrow<&Basketballs.Collection{Basketballs.BasketballsCollectionPublic}>()
    |                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^

--> 23f4b83c39a03089.Basketballs

error: cannot find type in this scope: `Basketballs`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:44:32
44 |         if acct.storage.borrow<&Basketballs.Collection>(from: Basketballs.CollectionStoragePath) == nil {
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot find variable in this scope: `Basketballs`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:44:62
44 |         if acct.storage.borrow<&Basketballs.Collection>(from: Basketballs.CollectionStoragePath) == nil {
   |                                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot infer type parameter: `T`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:44:11
44 |         if acct.storage.borrow<&Basketballs.Collection>(from: Basketballs.CollectionStoragePath) == nil {
   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: cannot find variable in this scope: `Basketballs`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:45:19
45 | 	let collection <- Basketballs.createEmptyCollection(nftType: Type<&Basketballs.Collection>())
   | 	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot find type in this scope: `Basketballs`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:45:68
45 | 	let collection <- Basketballs.createEmptyCollection(nftType: Type<&Basketballs.Collection>())
   | 	                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot infer type parameter: `T`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:45:62
45 | 	let collection <- Basketballs.createEmptyCollection(nftType: Type<&Basketballs.Collection>())
   | 	                                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: cannot find variable in this scope: `Basketballs`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:46:37
46 | 	acct.storage.save(<-collection, to: Basketballs.CollectionStoragePath)
   | 	                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot find variable in this scope: `Basketballs`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:50:99
50 |         if !acct.capabilities.get<&{NonFungibleToken.Provider, NonFungibleToken.CollectionPublic}>(Basketballs.CollectionPublicPath)!.check() {
   |                                                                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot find variable in this scope: `Basketballs`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:51:125
51 |   acct.capabilities.publish(acct.capabilities.storage.issue<&{NonFungibleToken.Provider, NonFungibleToken.CollectionPublic}>(Basketballs.CollectionStoragePath), at: Basketballs.CollectionPublicPath)
   |                                                                                                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot find variable in this scope: `Basketballs`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:51:165
51 |   acct.capabilities.publish(acct.capabilities.storage.issue<&{NonFungibleToken.Provider, NonFungibleToken.CollectionPublic}>(Basketballs.CollectionStoragePath), at: Basketballs.CollectionPublicPath)
   |                                                                                                                                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot find type in this scope: `CapabilityFilter.Owner`
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:79:46
79 |         let filter = acct.storage.borrow<auth(CapabilityFilter.Owner) &CapabilityFilter.AllowlistFilter>(from: filterStoragePath)
   |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error: cannot access `removeType`: function requires `Delete` authorization, but reference only has `CapabilityFilter` authorization
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:84:12
84 |             filter.removeType(allowedType)
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: cannot access `addType`: function requires `Add` authorization, but reference only has `CapabilityFilter` authorization
  --> b12dfcfe52ffdb287ed6fd732bd703340bda88a273790afcc74ae8f009458892:91:12
91 |             filter.addType(c)
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Block height:
Block id:
Friday 16 August 2024 at 00:28:45 UTC
Gas used: